Third day of activities of the Extraordinary General Assembly of Regnum Christi April 11, 2018

“We are called to a joint discernment,” reflected Father Gianfranco Ghirlanda, SJ, consultant to the Commission for the revision of the Regnum Christi Statutes, in the homily at the Mass opening the third day of the Assembly. “Let us all ask the Holy Spirit to guide us wherever he wants, to do the will of God, which is the only important thing in our lives,” he concluded.

The 91 delegates participating in the Extraordinary General Assembly of Regnum Christi met at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe and St. Phillip the Martyr in Rome to begin the day of the third day with the Eucharistic celebration presided by Father Ghirlanda.

Then they started the work sessions where the Francisco Gámez, lay member on the Regnum Christi General Committee, read the conclusions the lay members came to at their meeting yesterday. At the end of this session, the delegates continued asking Father Ghirlanda questions about yesterday’s report.

Then the delegates broke into eight teams each composed of various members from different countries and ages. The goal was clarifying and reviewing the vision in the draft regarding Regnum Christi’s identity. “The meetings were very satisfying as trust, communion and dialogue prevailed,” said Irene Alemany, Consecrated Woman of Regnum Christi. “We delved into several issues where we were able discuss different points of view: the important thing is that we could have clarity about where the similarities and differences are,” said Karl-Olaf Bergmann, delegate from Germany.

After lunch, there was a rest period where several delegates took advantage to continue sharing ideas and reflecting on the topics seen during these first days.

After, they continued the plenary session. In the afternoon, the delegates reviewed and voted on some numbers regarding identity from the second draft of the General Statutes ( published on February 27, 2018.

About the Extraordinary General Assembly:

The General Assembly will have two stages: the first part, from April, 9-18 and the second, in November. It brings together 91 delegates from all the realities that make up Regnum Christi: Legionaries, Consecrated Women, Lay Consecrated Men, and laity. 31% (29) participate by office and 69% (62) have been elected by vote from among members of their own branches.

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