Wednesday, November 21, 2018

The delegates dedicated the day to analyzing the models of how to allocate our apostolic activity proposed by the Technical Commission, first in groups and, at the end of the day, in two plenary sessions.


In the plenary sessions they expressed the values ​​that they consider should be safe-guarded when defining the government, direction and management of the sections’ educational institutions and apostolic works. They also commented on the advantages and disadvantages that they see in each proposed model.


Some of the concepts that have resonated the most with the delegates during the group presentations and the individual interventions are:

  • communion among the Regnum Christi members,
  • making decisions based on our identity and mission,
  • responsibly making steps towards the autonomy of our branch,
  • the need for freedom to discern and respond to God,
  • reflection on the projection mission of the Consecrated Women,
  • living a renewed ecclesiology, taking into consideration the reality of the Church’s current situation,
  • graduality in the steps we make,
  • and seeking the greatest good of the works and Regnum Christi.


At the end, Uge Álvarez, at the request of the Central Commission, reminded the delegates of the Ignatian principles of discernment, since the Assembly is primarily a time of community discernment.


In the coming days, the Assembly will continue to review the third edition of the Draft Statutes of the Regnum Christi Federation and analyze the models of how to allocate our apostolic activity, in order to offer its judgment at the Extraordinary General Assembly of Regnum Christi.