
Meet the International Renewal Delegates 4: Donna Garrett and Brenner LeCompte

Donna Garrett

DonnaDonna lives in Omaha Nebraska and currently serves as a member of the RC Territorial Committee. In reflecting on how she is preparing for the work of the International Convention, she shared that “The three things I am taking with me to Rome are these: seventeen years of lived experience within Regnum Christi, a passion and zeal for Christ’s Church and trust in our Lord that He saved this spiritual family for a reason.

I met the Movement in the late 1990s. My children were very young at the time and through Regnum Christi, my marriage and my family have been richly blessed. I have had the privilege of working in many different areas of apostolate, ECYD, Familia, Vocation Action, Mission Youth Missions, Section Assistant, Section Director, LCA of the Heartland and as a member of the Territorial Committee of North America. Each apostolate has stretched me personally, challenging my human formation, my intellect and my spiritual formation. I look back at all I have done since entering the movement and I see God’s hand in preparing me to serve our spiritual family for this moment in our Charismatic history.

My passion for our Catholic Church and my apostolic zeal have found deep resonance with the Charism of Regnum Christi. Studying Church history, Church documents and Sacred Scripture for my own personal formation and for the purpose of evangelizing and educating others is a priority for me and one of the ways I have served my parish community for 25 years. I am fascinated by the process our Church has set out for and by which they have accompanied, our spiritual family during this time of renewal. I am so excited to be a part of history in the making.

Finally, I take to Rome my tremendous trust in God’s mercy. Our Lord did not save us from utter destruction for nothing. He saved us for a reason. I believe with all my heart through this renewal process the spiritual family of Regnum Christi will be stronger, more vibrant, and more tried and true soldiers in this battle for His Kingdom.

What do I hope to bring back? An even deeper love and respect for my international family, a deeper love and respect of our Mother Church and deeper love and respect for the gift of Regnum Christi for the world.


Brenner LeCompte

BrennerBrenner LeCompte grew up in Houma Louisiana. He was in ECYD and RC before entering the Apostolic School in 2000. He then entered the Legion of Christ novitiate in Dublin Ireland followed by returning to the States to work as a formator in the seminaries of Cheshire, CT and Thornwood, NY. After leaving the Legion Brenner obtained his MBA in Finance from Fordham University in New York and works in institutional sales. His apostolate has focused on youth work, marriage preparation and the men’s section.

Three things I am bringing to Rome

  1. First and fore most I am bringing the prayers and support of all the RC members in the US. For the last few years there have been so many prayers and outward shows of love for all our brothers and sisters and all that they are doing to bring people closer to Christ. This spirit of unity and desire to bring others closer to Christ is the core of who we are in the movement and this is what we want to be reflected in the statues and to the Church.
  2. Second I am taking all the thought and work that all our RC members in the US have put into reflecting on and improving our statues. In a perfect world every single one of our members would be in Rome to share their experiences of how the movement has affected the lives of themselves personally, their families and their communities. I feel tremendously humbled to be able to bring to Rome personal experience of so many extraordinary people who serve the Lord.
  3. Finally I bring with me the youth of the movement and the church in the US. In the midst of negative headlines, cultural collapse and religious confusion I represent a young and vibrant church and movement that is on fire with love for Christ, the church and humanity. A youth that believes that we can make the world a better place by spreading the joy, the light and the fulfillment that only Christ can give to society.

One thing I would like to bring home

  1. I look forward to bringing home the blessing and closeness of the Holy Father. For so many the movement has been a safe haven in the midst of often seemingly confused church. Our history has led to a sense of being orphaned. The entire renewal process has been set in place to show the profound closeness that the Holy Father and Church want to have with the movement and my hope is take this back and to communicate it to the movement in the US.