
Meet the International Renewal Delegates 5: Rebecca Teti and Brian Williams

Rebecca Teti

RebeccaRebecca is from Washington DC, where she lives with her husband and 4 children. Professionally, she is trained as a journalist and writes for the Human Life Review, Catholic Digest and CatholicVote.org among other venues. She currently serves as Section Director to the RC women in Washington, DC, as well as a spiritual guide. Previously she has served as head of the Center for Family Development, as Section Assistant, Group Leader, Team Leader and in various apostolic projects in DC and at the territorial level.

We asked her to tell us what she is taking to Rome and what she hopes to bring home. Here’s what she told us:

What I’m taking to Rome:

  1. I’m sensible of the trust that’s been placed in all of us delegates, so I’d probably say I’m taking a sense of responsibility.
  1. I also recall from the first meeting in Rome 3 years ago and from the convention in Chicago that the Holy Spirit really makes his presence felt. What’s remarkable is not that there are disagreements about certain issues, but that there’s such remarkable agreement on the essence of things. Even where we disagree, we all agree that there’s something to be solved — we’re just grappling towards the right solutions. So I’m “taking” a great deal of confidence in the action of the Holy Spirit and in my fellow delegates. (It doesn’t hurt that the convention will take place during the novena to the Sacred Heart!)
  2. Brown sugar & chocolate chips. Apparently these things are hard to come by in Italy, and the general directorate has requested them!

I don’t know what I’ll bring back, other than a readiness to share with my locality what happened and what it was like. I’m trying to be open to the “surprises of the Spirit!” Oh: maybe a bottle of limoncello.


Brian Williams

BrianBrian grew up in Detroit attending a Legionary school and participating in a good range of RC activities. After from graduating a Jesuit high school, he spent a year with RC Mission Corps (in Los Angeles) and then spent two years in the LC novitiate in Cheshire.

He then returned to Michigan to study finance, moved to Los Angeles the year after graduation, and moved to San Francisco in early 2014. Here, he works at Silicon Valley Bank (providing banking services and commercial loans to early stage tech companies) and is involved in a Dominican-led parish.

His apostolic experience includes MegaMissions, pro-life activity, RC team leadership, section assistance for young men in Detroit, RCIA, listening ministry for returning Catholics, and directing the Young Adult Virtual Region for the RC renewal.