
Archbishop inspiration


Your delegates spent most of the day in spirited discussions of the meaning and mission of Regnum Christi, providing many insights that will assist in the final drafting of the statutes of Regnum Christi.

Perhaps the most inspiring part of the day was the celebration of the Mass by Msgr Rodriguez Carballo, the archbishop who is Secretary for the Congregations for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life.

Taking his cue from today’s gospel, the visitation of Mary to her cousin Elizabeth, Msgr called on Regnum Christi members to be joyful and rejoice, like Mary, in the message we have received from God.  We are not alone and have been redeemed.  We can feel joy because we are forgiven — and saved.

He called on Regnum Christi members to open the doors to their hearts to let Christ in — and keep the door open to share him with others.