Summary of the Second Day of the Extraordinary General Assembly of Regnum Christi November 28, 2018

“God our Lord blesses us”

The second day of activities began with the consecrated branches offering the assembly, especially the 28 lay members, an informative meeting about the conclusions of the Extraordinary General Chapter and Extraordinary General Assemblies.

After this session, they had the Mass officiated by Fr. Eduardo Robles-Gil in the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe and St. Philip of Jesus where Fr. Eduardo welcomed the lay Regnum Christi members who join the Extraordinary General Assembly. In the homily, Fr. Eduardo spoke about the layperson’s relationship with God: “Jesus is the one who guides our life and history, we can peacefully go forward in our life because he guides it. Jesus has done great things in each of us, for which we must give thanks to God. Jesus impels us, he lights our hearts but above all, he blesses with visible fruits and above all with invisible fruits.” He also emphasized the layperson’s mission: “We are instruments and apostles, we are destined to make presence of God among men and an effective instrument for meeting people with God. We do this through bringing God to others in apostolic action.”

At the conclusion of the Mass, all the delegates continued with the work of the extraordinary General Assembly with the presence of Fr. Ghirlanda, S.J.

In 2010, Fr. Gianfranco Ghirlanda, SJ, was appointed personal advisor to the Pontifical Delegate for the Legionaries of Christ, Card. Velasio De Paolis. In 2012, the Pontifical Delegate entrusted him with the government of the Lay Consecrated Men of Regnum Christi. He participated as president in the General Assembly of Regnum Christi Lay Consecrated Men (November 2013) and as Vice President in the Extraordinary General Chapter of the Legion of Christ (January and February 2014). On March 19, 2014, Fr. Eduardo Robles-Gil, LC, appointed him a consultant to the Commission for the revision of the Statutes of the Regnum Christi Movement.

After lunch, the delegates had a moment of Eucharistic Adoration. In the afternoon, they met to revise and vote on the first chapters of the Third Draft of the Regnum Christi Statutes.

About the extraordinary general assembly:

The second session of the General Assembly aims to carry out the tasks initiated during the first session, in particular:

  1. To approve the text of the Statutes of the Regnum Christi Federation, which will be presented for ratification by the supreme organs of the branches and, if so approved, for the approval of the Holy See.
  2. To approve the rule of life of the laypeople associated with the Regnum Christi Federation (DG-RC 0354-2018).
  3. Offer guidelines for the implementation of the Federation.

Fr. Gianfranco Ghirlanda, SJ, participates in the General Assembly, by virtue of his appointment as pontifical assistant to accompany the Legion and Regnum Christi in the search for an adequate canonical configuration.

The president of the General Assembly is the general director of Regnum Christi.

It is responsible for the following functions:

  1. Direct and guide the work of the Assembly, with the support of the Central Commission.
  2. Preside over and moderate – as he deems convenient – the meetings.
  3. Appoint the moderators for the meetings, with the consent of the Central Commission.
  4. Approve the program and the schedules of the Assembly.
  5. Determine, having listened to the Central Commission, the working methodology.
  6. Sign the final act.
  7. Ensure compliance with the Regulations of the General Assembly.

For more information you can consult the web page

Images here.